Message from the President

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” – Plutarch

CEA’s innovative school concept goes beyond merely imparting set knowledge to students. It aims to spark a flame within each child’s mind, providing a vibrant platform for intellectual and creative growth. Similarly, adults need a refuge from the daily grind—a place to reignite their inherent curiosity and recharge. Our mission is to create such transformative educational environments.

CEA is dedicated to establishing schools and spaces where learners are empowered to craft their own stories, emphasizing the development of a questioning mindset over the mere provision of answers. Our objective is to become a catalyst for positive change, fostering a culture of personal growth and a lifelong love of learning.

「 マインドとは、詰め込まれる容器ではなく、点火される炎なのです。」 –プルタルコス



- Fei-Fei Hu (フェイフェイ・フウ)


Group Executives

  • Fei-Fei Hu - Co-Founder & President

    Fei-Fei Hu is a British-Chinese entrepreneur living and working between Tokyo, Hokkaidoand  London . Before establishing CEA in 2016,Fei-Fei was Assistant to Director of Charities at The Royal Household of Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall between 2007-2015 based in Clarence House, UK. Fei-Fei also served as Secretary of The Prince’s Foundation (China).. He studied Philosophy at Waseda University and University of Oxford. Fei-Fei is also Founding President of Japan Polo Association.


  • Ayahi Suda - Co-Founder & Deputy President

    Ayahi Suda is a graduate of Tokyo University and was raised in an environment surrounded by a family of educators. At the age of 26, she started her own international early years education centre in the heart of Tokyo. After moving to England in 2009 with her husband Fei-Fei she continued her education at University of the Arts London and The Royal Drawing School. Ayahi then worked at Sotheby’s headquarters. After returning to Japan in 2015, she co-founded CEA.

    須田 絢日

  • Kentaro Nanri - Executive Vice President, Finance

    Kentaro Nanri is a Certified Public Accountant in Japan. He has 14 years experience in professional firms as an auditor at PwC and as a director of cross-border M&A services at SCS Global Group, a Singapore based mid-size accounting firm. He led IT consulting and service company as the founder from April 2020, after a few years of experience in tech start-up companies where he has taken the role of CFO. He has been appointed as Executive VP of Finance in CEA from January 2023.

    南里 健太郎
    公認会計士。PwCでの監査役や、シンガポールを拠点とする中規模会計事務所であるSCS Global GroupのクロスボーダーM&Aのディレクターとして、14年間専門家として経験を積む。その後、テック系スタートアップ企業で数年間CFOとして勤め、2020年4月にITコンサルティングおよびサービス企業を創設。2023年1月より、CEAの財務の総責任者に就任。

  • Ziver Ölmez - Executive Vice President, Operations

    Ziver Ölmez has distinguished himself in the premium school investment sector across Asia over the past two decades. He excelled in developing and implementing comprehensive compliance and K-13 school turnkey solutions in China, Japan, and South East Asia, some of which included large scale residential and commercial real estate projects. Ziver has been with CEA since 2019, and was a key member of the core team that spearheaded the establishment and operation of Rugby School Japan and Phoenix House International School. Ziver holds an MA in Development Economics from University of Sussex and an MSc in Energy Economics and Policy from University of Surrey.

    Ziver Ölmez氏は、過去20年間にわたり、アジア全域でプレミアムスクール投資分野で卓越した実績を積んできました。中国、日本、東南アジアにおいて、包括的なコンプライアンスおよびK-13学校のターンキーソリューションの開発と実施において優れた成果を上げ、その中には大規模な住宅および商業不動産プロジェクトも含まれています。Ziver氏は2019年からCEAに在籍しており、Rugby School JapanおよびPhoenix House International Schoolの設立と運営を主導したコアチームの主要メンバーとして活躍しました。Ziver氏は、サセックス大学で開発経済学の学士号、サリー大学でエネルギー経済学と政策の修士号を取得しています。



  • Simon Lebus CBE - Senior Advisor

    Simon Lebus currently has a portfolio of non-executive director and advisory roles, specialising in education technology and online learning companies. Simon was previously (2021) Interim Chief Regulator at Ofqual, the UK government organisation responsible for regulating public qualifications, and before that (2002-18) Chief Executive at Cambridge Assessment (since merged with Cambridge University Press to form Cambridge University Press and Assessment) where he was responsible for the management of the University of Cambridge’s school and English language examinations, including A levels and IGCSEs. Simon’s career before Cambridge Assessment was spent in finance and food industry. Simon was awarded the CBE in the 2023 King’s Birthday Honours for Services to Educational Assessment.

    サイモン・リーバス CBE
    英国ラグビー校本校元理事。2002年〜2018年までCambridge Assessmentの最高経営責任者として、ケンブリッジ大学の学校および英語の言語試験、AレベルやIGCSEなどを管轄。2021年に英国政府機関であり公的資格を規制するOfqualの暫定最高規制責任者を務め、2023年の国王誕生記念叙勲では、教育分野への貢献により、大英帝国勲章司令官(CBE)を授与。現在は多数の教育関連企業にて非常勤の取締役およびアドバイザーを務める。

  • Toshiyasu Takubo - Senior Advisor

    Representative Director and CEO of British Luxury Brand Group (BLBG) and Executive Vice President of GLOBE-TROTTER LTD. Toshiyasu is recognized as a brand incubator in Japan for British lifestyle brands, ranging from those favored by the British royal family to emerging brands. Academic background includes a Bachelor’s degree in History from the Faculty of Letters, Aoyama Gakuin University, a Master’s degree in International Business Management (MBA) from the Graduate School of International Politics, Economics and Business, Aoyama Gakuin University, completion of the Executive MBA (EMBA) program at The London Business School, and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Advanced Science and Technology from the Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.

    BLBG(British Luxury Brand Group) 代表取締役、CEO。GLOBE-TROTTER LTD. 取締役上級副社長。英国王室愛用のブランドから、新進気鋭のブランドまで、英国のライフスタイルブランド の日本におけるブランド・インキュベーターとして評価されている。主な学歴は、青山学院大学文学部史学科卒業、青山学院大学大学院国際政治経済学研究科国際経営学修士(MBA) 、London Business School Executive MBA(EMBA) 修了、東京大学大学院工学系研究科先端学祭


  • Minako Iue - Senior Advisor

    President and CEO of the Japan branch of nonprofit organization Sailors for the Sea. Minako studied at the Sacred Heart School for Girls from elementary school, graduating from the Department of English Language and Literature at the Sacred Heart University, majoring in sociolinguistics. After graduating, she studied decorative arts at Sotheby’s and Inchbald in London. She moved to New York upon getting married. After returning to Japan, Minako established the Japan branch of Sailors for the Sea in 2009 as an affiliate of the marine environment protection NGO founded by David Rockefeller Jr. in the United States. She aims to realise a sustainable society through policy advocacy and public awareness. Minako holds a Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Kyoto University. She holds a position as Specially Appointed Researcher at the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute at The University of Tokyo, as well as Specially Appointed Associate Professor at The National Institute for Environmental Studies.

    一般社団法人セイラーズフォーザシー日本支局理事長兼CEO。初等科から聖心女子学院に学び、聖心女子大学英語英文学部卒業。 専攻は社会言語学。卒業後、ロンドンSotheby’s 及び Inchbald にて装飾美術を学ぶ。 結婚を機にNYで生活。帰国後、ディビッド・ロックフェラーJr.が米国で設立した海洋環境保護NGOのアフィリエイトとして2009年にセイラーズフォーザシー日本支局を設立。政策提言と市民意識啓発を通して持続可能な社会の実現を目指す。
    東京大学大気海洋研究所 特任研究員
    国立総合地球環境学研究所 特任准教授


Heads of Schools

  • Tony Darby - Founding Principal of Rugby School Japan

    After earning his degree in Politics and Economics from Durham University in 1992, Tony embarked on a fulfilling year teaching English in the Czech Republic. His career journey took him from accounting with PWC to earning his teaching qualification in Business and IT at Staffordshire University. He led the Politics and Economics Departments at Queen’s College, Taunton, before moving to Rugby School in 2003 as the Head of Economics & Business and Assistant Housemaster. In 2011, Tony became the Housemaster of Town House and joined the Senior Management Team at Rugby. From 2017 to 2022, as Sub-Warden at St Edward’s School, Oxford, he has played a pivotal role in the school’s growth. An avid sportsman, Tony has coached various school teams and is passionate about promoting entrepreneurship, having established clubs at Rugby and St. Edward’s, where he also led pupils through financial services examinations.


  • Claire Fletcher - Head of Phoenix House

    Claire is from England and has previously lived in Dubai. Before reading Psychology at the University of Glasgow, she enjoyed academic and house life at St. Bees School, located in the north of England. She has experience as a Deputy Head Teacher, Head of House, Head of Year and Head of English in international schools, as well as primary teaching experience in the UK.

    イングランド出身、ドバイでの在住経験あり。北イングランドに位置するSt. Bees Schoolでハウスライフを経験し、その後グラスゴー大学で心理学を学ぶ。インターナショナルスクールでの副校長、寮長、年度主任、英語主任の経験があり、またイギリスでの小学校教育の経験もある。


Interested in Joining?

Changing the future of place-making and education means thinking differently. We are seeking a few key motivated individuals to join our expanding team at the CEA Group headquarters in Tokyo.

場づくりと教育の未来を変えていくためには、新しい視点を取り入れていく必要があります。CEA Groupのチームの一員として未来を担う、意欲ある方々の応募をお待ちしております!

