The best foundations for the brightest future, a warm and nurturing space for children, nestled in the heart of Tokyo.

The genesis of CEA traces back to a small pre-school, Clarence International School (CIS), nestled in a refurbished residence in Minami-Aoyama 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Inaugurated in August 2016, CIS was envisioned as a British-style pre-school, primarily serving children aged 1-5 with the UK government's Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The institution is celebrated for its broad spectrum of artistic activities, including art, music, poetry, and dance, offering enriched artistic experiences from the outset of childhood.
Proud to be on the approved list of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, CIS embraces a diverse cohort of pupils, ranging from children of diplomats and expatriates to repatriates and Japanese families seeking an international outlook. The school is dedicated to nurturing language skills and sensibilities essential for lifelong development. Engaging actively with the local community, CIS integrates gymnastics and a variety of extracurricular learning opportunities throughout Minato-ku into its daily curriculum.
CEA の原点はこの小さなプリスクールClarenceInternational School(CIS) でした。東京都港区南青山3 丁目の一軒家を改装し、2016 年8 月に英国系プリスクールとして開校。1~5 歳を対象とする本校は、英国政府の定めるEarly Years FoundationStage ( 幼児早期教育基礎段階) のカリキュラムを採用し、子供たちがアート、音楽、詩歌、ダンス等、幼少期から豊かな芸術的体験ができるように幅広い活動に取り組んでいます。
CIS は英国外務省の認定を受け、在京の外交官や外資系企業の子女の他、帰国子女及び国際的な視野を持った日本人のご家庭からもさまざまなバックグラウンドの子どもたちが通い、人生の基礎となる語学力や感性を育んでいます。近隣のコミュニティとも密接に関わり、毎日、港区のさまざまな講演で体操や校外学習を行います。